2017 Hurricane Season–Caribbean Update

2017 Hurricane Season–Caribbean Update

Like many of you, I had plans in the Caribbean this fall and like many of you, I am anxiously awaiting new news regarding the post hurricane island situations.  My heart goes out to the people in the midst of the devastation!!! Not only are their homes damaged or...

Creating A Travel Tradition

Creating A Travel Tradition

The Man and I have a yearly tradition of taking a fabulous short break before the holidays set in. The exact date varies a smidge based on our calendars, but it’s typically sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The short break of four or five days give us time...

The Waiting Game – Why a Private Driver Matters

The Waiting Game – Why a Private Driver Matters

Our pre-holiday getaway is finally here!! There is snow on the ground in Indiana and we just cannot wait to get somewhere where we have blue water, warm air, and no thoughts of snow! Our plane begins its descent and we excitedly peer out the window at the blue-green...