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Three Days in Paris – Day One

Three Days in Paris – Day One

Paris is always a good idea!--Audrey Hepburn When my girlfriend and I were planning our wine trip to Burgundy, I jumped at the chance to spend extra days in the City of Light, Paris! It's such a lovely city and I was itching to try a few restaurants.  Luckily she is...

La Morra

La Morra

My Fiat Cinquecento buzzes down the hills of Barolo to my first appointment and I try not to stall the engine…again.   We dubbed the Fiat St. Benito, patron saint of lost tourists and tight roundabouts.   St. Benito speeds through a maze of dirt roads past...

Pintxos and Txakoli – Basque Delights

Pintxos and Txakoli – Basque Delights

San Sebastian, Spain has more Michelin Stars per square meter than any place on the planet.  The Parte Vieja (Old Town) also has more bars per square meter than any place on Earth--add surfers, a carousel, an urban beach and you have perhaps the perfect place to...

Afternoon in the Park with Gaudi

Afternoon in the Park with Gaudi

Our second day in Barcelona was a day of exploration through the historical and artistic aspects of this modern city.  The grand finale of our exploration was Park Guell.  Construction began for Park Guell in 1900.  At this time, Barcelona was a modern, cosmopolitan...

The Importance of Time

The Importance of Time

There we were—in the Madrid Airport running to our gate—me in my Sparkly Italian Wedges and The Man in his not-so-fashionable black flip-flops—running. The Man looked at me and asked, “didn’t your travel agent know that an hour is not enough time to connect in...

Barca Beginnings

Barca Beginnings

Welcome to Barcelona--Capital of Catalonia! We wandered through the insane maze of travelers looking for our driver...a bit worried because we were a bit late....and immigration offered an endless labyrinth of people...and my bags were taking their sweet time. We...

The Venice Saga:  A trip down Gondola lane

The Venice Saga: A trip down Gondola lane

Typically when I think about Venice, I imagine a romantic sunset ride in a gondola with a man rowing and singing Luciano Pavarotti in his masculine operatic voice:  Te voglio bene assaie ma tanto tanto bene sai (I love you very much very very much, you know). This...

Venice – The Bridge of Sighs

Venice – The Bridge of Sighs

I stood in Venice on the Bridge of Sighs, a palace and a prison on each hand. I saw from out the wave her structures rise As from the stroke of the enchanter’s wand --Lord Byron The Bridge of Sighs is a beautiful limestone structure standing between the Doge Palace...

Mask Making in Venice

Mask Making in Venice

Our tour guide met us at the lobby of our hotel to give us a quick art-based walking tour of Venice on our way to the Venetian Mask Artist’s studio. We strolled through the labyrinth of alleyways and bridges--soaking in the colors of the canals, balconies and...

Tuscan Summer

Tuscan Summer

Tuscany has been on my mind all week long!!  On this Photo Friday, I wanted to revisit a few of my favorite shots from our last Tuscan Adventure--wine tasting, sampling local fare, my discovery of burrata, and of course, the Tuscan sunshine. Our Fiat Cinquecento was...

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