Mentoring Services

My Story
I’ve been an entrepreneur since I was seven years old. Some kids had lemonade stands. I created a stand with colorful, hand-painted rocks. One could not find crayon colored rocks on just any old street in our town of Texarkana, Arkansas. Bespoke, curated, one of a kind rocks. I set up my table along the edge of our yard and waited for my opportunity.
My opportunity came in a traveling encyclopedia salesman preparing to knock on our door. He considered my rocks and asked me to explain the story behind each one. I wove a story of how my sister and I chose each rock for its uniqueness; how we chose to color each one based on the shape and texture of each rock. I showed him my best product – ones with a little sparkle and commanding the luxury price of a quarter.
The encyclopedia salesman considered the array of hand-painted rocks in front of him and purchased TWO rocks–a creation of mine and a creation of my little sister. He then proceeded to knock on our door to sell our family our first set of encyclopedias. It was a win-win. I gave him a story to tell my mom and dad and he gave me a quarter and my first ever sale. Victory all around!
Business is about relationships. Selling is about the story: the inspiration, the need, the hope to recreate an experience. Both go hand in hand. Sometimes the relationships give you an opportunity to share the story and sometimes the story leads to the relationship.
Over the years, I’ve heard many people say they could never be in sales. They seem to recoil at the thought and make a face much like Dan Akyroyd after being slimed by a supernatural being in Ghostbusters. I’m here to tell you that sales isn’t forcing people to buy something they don’t really want. It’s not like duping some unsuspecting prospect for a purchase they are going to regret–much like the friendly bloke at the corner of the bar at 2am offering to buy your next drink…
Sales is about inspiration, fixing problems, daring people to dream, helping them get to where they want to be. Many times it looks a lot like service. Many times it embodies service. Sales isn’t a one-night-stand, but rather it’s a mutually beneficial relationship causing people smile when they remember their encounters with you. Smiles not slime–that’s my motto!
The concept of mentoring small business owners came as an aha! moment much like the concept of my travel business creation 19 years ago. In my industry, the travel and hospitality industry, many mentoring opportunities come either in the form of an employment/contractor commitment or as part of a larger, educational component. What about those who do not need any of these? What about those who already have their business in place, but want to get to the next level? What about those who already have a good book of business, but want to amp up their marketing or social presence to increase their reach? And what about those business owners who may be in a period where they need to rethink their processes, their fees, their business strategies?
Personally, I know the COVID-19 situation has caused me to refine my own business processes. It’s caused me to ask the little questions about my business processes and then realize I had an even bigger question: How do I emerge even better? How do YOU emerge even better? Would having a period of mentoring help you? Do you need a little inspiration? Do you need a professional sounding board–one with a long track record and history of 1M+ in yearly sales? How are YOU going to get to that next level?
If you need someone like this, I am here to help. All of my packages come with an initial complimentary consultation of an hour before you commit. I am not here to get you to join my boutique agency, get you to change your host agency arrangement, or sell you any type of educational components. I am simply your mentor–your BFF in the travel industry, your confidant, your coach so to speak. These sessional are all about YOU and not about me. We focus on your needs and how to get you to that next level–to discover the (even more) amazing business person inside you. My focus is on the travel and hospitality industries, however, I am also available for mentoring those in other service or sales-based fields.
Kickstart your Business
For those with less than four years in the travel/hospitality industry or those who have been slowly building their business on a part-time basis and who are ready to commit to the industry. You’ll receive:
- Six one-hour virtual mentoring sessions to be used over a 6 – 12 week period.
- Review of your business plan, or assistance in creating one.
- Finding your focus – what is your niche, your strength, your brand
- Goal setting strategies with your individual vision in mind
- Sales and marketing strategies based on your experience
- Social media strategies
The Kickstart Mentoring package is $600 and may be renewed for additional sessions.
Implementing Fees
Is the thought of charging fees for your services intriguing to you, but you are scared to death to start? Do you worry you’ll lose all your existing clients? Do you think you do not have enough experience to charge a fee? Do you need strategies to begin their implementation? Fees are very personal and I know there is not a one-size-fits-all approach. I am here to help!! With my Implementing Fees package, you’ll receive:
- Six one-hour virtual mentoring sessions to be used over a 6 – 12 week period.
- Assessment of your strengths, experience, and passions
- Review of your business and marketing plan.
- In depth discussions about your concerns regarding fees
- Strategies and goal setting in implementing fees into your business plan
- Brainstorming sessions regarding the types and amounts of fees to implement.
- Role playing for how to introduce fees, how to handle obstacles with the fees, and how to confidently move forward with a fee structure.
The Implementing Fees mentoring package is $600 and is renewable for additional sessions.
Getting Social
Do you look at follower counts for some influencers and wonder if size really matters? Do you wish your social media feeds reflected your business goals and your personality? Have you wondered if social media even matters? Are you avoiding social channels like the plague, but wonder if that is a mistake? I am here to help! With my Getting Social mentoring package, you’ll receive:
- Six one-hour virtual mentoring sessions to be utilized over a 6 – 12 week period.
- Review of your social media profiles and feeds
- Social Media 101
- Social Media etiquette
- Trends in Social Media
- Strategies to determine the best social channel(s) for your business.
- How to take good photos for social media
- Hashtags, engagement, followers
- Creating your business hashtag(s)
- Goal setting with accountability: Posts, followers, engagement
The Getting Social mentoring package is $600 and is renewable for additional sessions.
Reinventing Your Business Processes
Does your business plan need a refresh? Have you considered updating your business processes: bringing on an assistant, adding terms and conditions, fee structures, cancellation policies, adding insurance waivers, engagement forms, client agreements, etc.? Do you need assistance with announcing your newly implemented fees and processes to your clients? The Business Process mentoring package is designed to assist you in determining your needs and aligning you with current industry trends and standards.* With this package, you will receive:
- Six one-hour virtual mentoring sessions to be used over a 6 – 12 week period.
- Review of your business plan and current business processes
- Brainstorming sessions to determine the changes needed for your business
- Goal setting strategies to implement your new processes
- Tips on identifying possible assistants, compensation structures, responsibilities
- Strategies in announcing your new fees, processes, or business focus
- Tips on how to implement fees in your business plan
* Bella Travel Planning does not offer legal advice or provide legal forms. We are happy to refer you to qualified attorneys to procure the needed forms and specific legal advice.
The Reinventing Your Business Processes mentoring package is $800 and is renewable for additional sessions.
From Mid-Range to Million Dollar Sales
Have you always looked at those big producers and wonder if you could ever do the same? Do you imagine yourself as the one who suppliers want to meet–as an influencer? This mentoring package is designed to take your sales to the next level. You’ll receive:
- Six one-hour virtual mentoring sessions to be used over a 6 – 12 week period.
- Review of your business plan
- Review of your current marketing initiatives
- Finding your focus – what is your niche, your strength, your brand
- Creating a vision for your brand
- Goal setting strategies with your vision in mind
- Strategies for finding and keeping your perfect clients
- How to utilize your suppliers for even better marketing initiatives
- Trade show strategies
- How to implement fees in your business plan
The Midrange to Million dollar mentoring package is $800 and may be renewed for additional sessions.
Single Mentoring Sessions
This is designed for those who have completed one of my mentoring package components and simply need a quick refresher. The cost of these individual sessions is $125 per hour.
Friendly Advice over coffee (or wine!!!)
I believe in paying it backwards, forwards, sideways, any ways…. I love my industry and have been inspired so much by all the people I encounter. Mentoring is a special service I offer for a limited number of people, and is not my main business focus. My listening ear, friendly advice, and third glass of wine inspirational quotes are always freely given.
Check out by Business Strategies blog category for my latest business insights. You might like reading Your Own Personal Board of Directors and Punt or Pivot.
How Do I Start?
Simply give me a jingle at 770-702-0787 or email me at and let’s have a complimentary conversation to get to know each other and see if it makes sense to work with each other to grow your business. We’ll schedule a zoom call or phone call and chat about the next steps.
All mentoring packages are bespoke in nature – they are customized to reach your goals and fulfill your mission. I only take on a limited number of Mentees to ensure you have my undivided attention. What are you waiting for? Let’s do this!
The travel industry insights Becky brings to the table are proving extremely invaluable for my startup. Her ability to take a broader strategic perspective, explain the day-to-day operations, and provide easy-to-follow suggestions for complex problems was all very impactful and impressive. She’s been nothing but friendly and willing to help since the first day we met. I am lucky to have the chance to collaborate with her. Becky is a valuable advisor to our startup, and I’d highly recommend her. Vishnu Kammari, Nevermaps.
After losing almost all of my 2020 bookings due to COVID19, I made a decision to re-structure the way that I conduct my business. Adding planning fees was top of my list of changes that needed to be made. Not knowing where to start, I contacted Becky Lukovic, owner of Bella Travel Planning, for advice on developing a fee structure as well as how to develop a letter to positively relay this change to my clients. Becky was wonderful to work with, gave me great suggestions and assistance with planning my fee structure without berating me for going 15 years without fees, listened intently to my feelings of frustration and silver linings during the COVID crises and took my words to form a beautiful letter to my clients that announced my changes in a positive way that I am sure will leave my clients realizing the value of my services rather than the cost of my services. Even those of us that have been in this business many years sometimes need a fresh set of ideas and opinions to help us get back on track. Becky was the perfect person for me to reach out to and I highly recommend her services! Renee Taylor of Renee Taylor Travel
Check out Becky’s Interview with Steph Lee on Host Agency Reviews regarding Planning Fees: Click Here.

Have you traded Efficiency for Adventure?
Efficiency for Adventure. How often do we make this trade?Do I trade the chance to grow and stretch myself for the need to just get stuff done? Do I quash the creative for the efficient? Am I too task-oriented in this season of life?

Your Own Personal Board of Directors
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Punt or Pivot – A Business Strategy for Post COVID Recovery
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