Wordless Wednesdays First Edition – Sirio Vegas

by | Oct 31, 2012 | The Art of Travel | 0 comments

I am a foodie…..a serious foodie with a penchant for photographing my favorite meals, wine, and table settings.  It’s somewhat of an addiction, really!!  While brainstorming for good blog fodder, I thought to myself, self…..why not share my restaurant finds both local and abroad with my readers?  Tune in every Wednesday for a mouth watering, thirst quenching photograph of my favorite food and wine finds…..

Let’s start this Wednesday tradition with a delectable steak from Siro in Vegas….

Perfectly Charred steak from Sirio at the Bellagio in Las Vegas

Haunted Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta

Haunted Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta

Run Like Hell...the name beckoned....Run Like Hell through a haunted cemetery--the beautiful, otherworldly Oakland Cemetery just before Halloween??  Yes Please!!!    Last weekend, The Man and I enjoyed a costumed 5K run through Oakland Cemetery in Midtown...

Creating A Travel Tradition

Creating A Travel Tradition

The Man and I have a yearly tradition of taking a fabulous short break before the holidays set in. The exact date varies a smidge based on our calendars, but it’s typically sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas. The short break of four or five days give us time...

The Waiting Game – Why a Private Driver Matters

The Waiting Game – Why a Private Driver Matters

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The Importance of Time

The Importance of Time

There we were—in the Madrid Airport running to our gate—me in my Sparkly Italian Wedges and The Man in his not-so-fashionable black flip-flops—running. The Man looked at me and asked, “didn’t your travel agent know that an hour is not enough time to connect in...